Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Day for Making Memories...

Today, most of you celebrated Valentines Day, or marked its passing, or begrudged Hallmark's insensitivity, or something....Well, Haime and I did that too; however, we also celebrated the fact that we've marked off another year of our life sentence together! WOW-TO-THE-WOW!!!  Who woulda thunk it? Okay, if you think a Valentines Day anniversary is sappy, just wait...we were married in Las Elvis (real or impersonated), was not there. This year, we waited too long to make reservations for dinner so we decided to celebrate with "the kids." Chip, Mallory, Carter, Reece and Chelsea joined us for dinner at our house. We had a great time! Actually, we had a wonderful day.
You might remember in an earlier post, that Haime believes all Thursdays are good...Thursdays are his "no way in hell I'm missing" golf days. So, true to his philosophy, Haime golfed today. That was actually fine with me because I spent the day with Mr. Wonderful...Carter. We had an amazing time. After hanging out together in the garden this morning, Carter and I went to a nearby park. After leaving the park, we went to my mom's house and delivered some roses to her for Valentines. Then, the three of us went to a different park for lunch and some fun. And what fun it was! While I watched mom and Carter, through my camera, I was filled with such love for both of them that it literally took my breath away. Carter's joyous laughter and mom's love, pride and her own joy were just impossible to capture accurately here. However, this afternoon was one of those times for me that I will never forget. 

As I mentioned earlier here, "the kids" joined us for dinner. Actually  Reece did the grilling and Mallory did the potatoes and I sipped champagne and made hor d'oeuvres and some veggies. As we were all gathered around the table, talking about nothing special, just being ourselves and (me wishing we could do this more often---like 5 times a week...OK, maybe just 3...) I sent up a prayer of thanks that we are so Blessed to have such love and respect for each other. Mostly, it's just such fun, as a mom, to see what cool adults my children have become...Yep, this was definitely a day for making memories.



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