Friday, March 22, 2013

Holy Cow! Holy Week Already?

OK, is it me, or is time zipping by at greater than Scotty's Maximum Warp Speed? I mean, I swear it seems like we were just getting ready to open Christmas presents a couple of weeks ago. Let's not even stop our discussion of speed/time with the issue of months and weeks. My first born, Chip, turned 29 yesterday...WTH? No, seriously? How is this possible? I mean, I haven't been in any type of vacuum, and have suffered no traumatic brain injury, and have been there to celebrate every one of his previous 28 birthdays but, I mean, there have really been 29?

My mom and I were discussing this whole issue of time/speed/age etc the other day. Mom, I should mention is a very young(ish) 77 years old. Physically and mentally, she is mostly doing very well. Sure, she has some expected aches and pains, but mostly, she is in good shape. Her memory, in fact, is often times better than mine. (Of course I attribute my memory lapses on a selective "review, evaluate, purge and dump" of non-essential information). At any rate, she says that she doesn't feel her age, or, what she always thought people felt like at 77.  I know exactly what she means. When my sons and their friends talk about going out dancing, or having drinks at a couple of clubs or enjoying some of the activities that I did at their age, I still want to go. What the hell happened? Honestly, I feel it especially, when we are at A&M. I feel the same way I did as a student; OK, except that I'm not hurrying to class and am not slightly hung over...just saying. That brings up another fact, I don't drink very much or very often these days. Not for any reason, other than, I just don't. Maybe its age or maybe I'm just out of practice but, now, after about two glasses of wine, I am buzzed! WTH? Oh well...

Back to the accelerated rate of time passing...Here in S. Central Texas, our fall, winter and spring seasons only last for about 10 days each, so, it is extremely difficult to mark the passage of time by the changing of the seasons. In fact, if you read a few earlier posts, you'll remember Haime and I were sharing a picnic on the beach in January and I mowed our lawn (OK, weeds) for the first time in February. But really, Holy Week begins this Sunday? WOW!!!

Haime and I are Catholics, but you already knew that. For all Christians, the holiest week of the year is the week between Palm Sunday, (this weekend), and Easter. Haime and I have been watching a mini-series on the "History channel," entitled "The Bible." It airs on Sunday evenings and each episode is run again on Wednesdays if you missed the Sunday airing. So far, we have travelled back to God's promise to Abraham, Moses' parting of the Red Sea, Daniel surviving the Lions, Jesus' birth and John's beheading. The episode that airs Sunday, I believe will include Jesus' triumphant welcome into Jerusalem, (which is what we celebrate on Palm Sunday), and His Crucifixion, death and possibly His resurrection (though, it seems fitting that His resurrection may be broadcast on Easter). Each episode is about two hours in length and I believe there are to be a total of 10 episodes. The series is well done and it certainly holds your attention. It is terribly violent. However, if you read much of the Bible, it is violent, there is no getting around that. If you haven't had the opportunity to watch it, this Sunday is a great time to begin.   

Time passes, kids grow, we all age (if we're lucky). So, as we prepare to celebrate Easter in a little over a week, remember, Jesus is the reason for this season too. We'll hunt eggs and decorate Easter baskets and eat ham and spring veggies, but we'll start our day with mass at sunrise and give praise to God for His generous bounty and to thank Him for preparing a place for us.

Happy Easter, my friends, Haime and I love you all.



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